$147.00 USD

HOW to STOP SOUL-SUCKING Meetings - Sept 18th

🌟 Course Date: September 18th, 2024 at 9-10:30am PT

Magical Conversations to Ignite Buy-In & Engagement


You'll Get: 

1) A 90-min Masterclass Intensive to Stop SOUL-SUCKING Meetings

  • Learn the âś… 4 Essential Criteria that always need to be fulfilled to have a BRILLIANT meeting with your team
  • Learn the âś… 4 Essential Communication Techniques that will take your meetings from the kind where people are tuned out and have one foot out the door (“Hmm, is it time for lunch yet?”) -- into meetings that your team members (and YOU) actually look forward to!
  • You'll get strategies for how to boost engagement and genuine buy-in before, during AND after your meeting to build momentum and maximize follow-through.

  • Walk away knowing the *right* Magical Questions that ignite people’s highest form of critical thinking for enhanced idea generation and collaboration.

  • *BONUS* ~ We’ll also learn how to lead a LIVE “Lightning Round” to harness the collective intelligence of your team in a fun & engaging way!
  • Q&A: You'll also have an opportunity to ask about your specific questions and conundrums in the LIVE chat box (or you can submit your questions prior to the Masterclass)!


2) Access to the Masterclass Recording All Year Long

Listen to AmyK’s insights and tools all year long.  Don’t know about you, but for us, hearing sage advice or a motivational mantra more than once is a huge boost to integrating it at a neurological & cellular level.  It boosts your ability to embody these tools. *Recordings and Materials will be available in your SGI Online Portal for 1 year from the date of purchase.



  • The playbook is a fantabulous resource to deepen the work and embody the concepts we'll learn in class.  You'll get a powerful set of follow up questions and frameworks that will continue to grow with you as you continue your leadership practice! 


🌟 Join us now for ONLY $147! đźŚź


From the She Gets It Community:

Wow! I have not seen the entire team (42 peeps) so engaged in a meeting in a good while. The body language for everyone was the same – all leaning in, all using their hands to talk, all contributing. It was amazing. Everyone is looking forward to our next meeting. I can’t thank you enough, AmyK, for all your help. My team shared that this new approach was a bright spot in our staff meetings and gave them hope for a more collaborative environment.

Lisa B., Vice President

AmyK’s program was a game-changer for me! The tools re-focused my time and energy, and AmyK really helped me reframe difficult situations in a more constructive and positive way -- both at home and at work. Her insights and guidance have helped boost my confidence, and I have no doubt that I am a better leader, co-worker, friend, wife, and mom because of it. Thanks, AmyK!

Jenny Hughes, Senior VP