The most important work of all...
Apr 24, 2023
I’ve personally witnessed the yelling and inappropriate tirades.
A colleague once witnessed the throwing of a chair.
One of my clients witnessed the insecure and threatened ego that led to abusive meetings.
What have you witnessed?
Let me be the first to say … I work with extraordinary leaders today [and have for years].
Strong, capable men and women who garner respect because they’ve done the work.
The internal work.
The hard work.
who realize that this is the most important work of all.
Unfortunately, many of us have also witnessed the executive who leads from his or her wounds, and not their scars.
These leaders easily get triggered. They overreact, underreact, lash out, go-off, undermine or sabotage.
Because they are hurting.
Because they are in pain.
And until they consciously heal the wound, they cannot move forward healthy and whole, and be the leader they need to be … for themselves … for others.
We’re all going to have trials and tribulations. We’re all going to get wounded along the way. It’s part of our human journey. As a leader, it’s then our responsibility to heal our wounds, and learn to lead from the scars.
Leading from our scars makes us more compassionate, understanding, thoughtful, loving, respectful and wise. It helps us set boundaries, speak our truth and connect with instead of power over. It keeps us grounded while we reach for new heights.
To doing the internal work of Self-leadership.
If you’re ready to do the internal work of Self-leadership, I invite you to learn more about the She Gets It Mastermind Foundations.
We start again this September.
đ 140+ women just joined the She Gets It Mastermind that started today! Woohoo!
Think of the impact on their lives and the lives of everyone they connect with both at home and at work. Uplift one woman … and we elevate so so many more!