She Gets It Blog

by AmyK

NOT what I was expecting

mindset shifts self-leadership Aug 06, 2024
AmyK speaking on stage

Hey, there!

Happy Wednesday.

Have you ever had your best laid plans NOT go according to plan?

Have things ever been so beyond your control that you just had to give in and go with the flow, even if utterly maddening at first?

I get it. I really do.

Last week I imagined showing up with Energizer Bunny levels of vigor for a bunch of keynotes and a training workshop.

The Universe had other plans.

I got sick. Really sick.

Then I got laryngitis.

I had to let go.

I had to stop, take a deep breath, and have a Magical Conversation with myself.

It wasn’t ideal, and that’s okay. What I could do, was give it my best. Whatever my best was gonna be.

My keynotes were delivered via a strong whisper and a highly-amped microphone.

Despite my lack of volume, my message of “leading with love” was way more important than the volume in which I delivered it, and from the feedback, people heard me loud and clear! 😉

Then … I thought I’d fly out of Orlando on Monday.

Hurricane Debby said, “Or Wednesday night”

That’s right, if you’re reading this on Wednesday, Aug 7th, I’m still not home!

I had to stop, take a deep breath, and have a Magical Conversation with myself.

It wasn’t an ideal itinerary, and that’s okay. What I could do was find a hotel room and hunker down to work.

And here’s the truth.

Everyone around me showed up with grace, support and understanding the whole way through.

When I went to see a dear friend -- after the event but before my flight was canceled -- as frustrating as it was to not be able to play full out and talk n talk n talk like dear friends can, she too was wonderfully nurturing and understanding.

She also showed up with immunity shots, EmergenC and hot tea! 🤧 Thank you, D! 🙏🙏

When I learned my flight was canceled, I reached out to people about rescheduling our meetings this week and we had some wonderful, heartfelt exchanges in the process. 😊

Letting go and surrendering control can sometimes be a very difficult thing to do.

We WANT things to go a certain way. Darn it, this WILL work.

But instead of forcing it and getting even more frustrated when it still doesn’t go right, when we choose to surrender, we get to relax and release. We get to let the Universe deliver us unexpected moments of love, even when we aren’t at first loving the circumstances.

To all of you who showed up in Orlando with grace for me, to everyone on my Client’s team – you know who you are – who rallied around me, thank you for modeling EXACTLY what we were all creating last week … a community that leads with love.

Love for ourselves and love for others.

Not everything is always going to go according to plan. BUT, with a lil more patience, a lil more forgiveness, a lil more compassion, and a lil more kindness -- all practical applications of a lil more love -- it will be easier to get through it than trying to control the uncontrollables.

All because a lil more love really does go a long way.

Hugs n hugs,



🤗 Come join us this September for many more Magical Conversations in the She Gets It Academy!

We have several *brand new* 90min Masterclass intensives that will help you cut the B.S. and increase the magic in your day-to-day, guaranteed!

What do I mean by that?

👉 We're going to say "No more!" to Soul-Sucking Meetings

👉 We're going to learn to dance — not stumble & fumble — when dealing with Difficult People

👉 We're going to Bolster UP your Boundaries where they're looking waaaaay to flimsy and letting your LifeForce Energy leak out ...

... and of course you'll walk away from each of these classes with a bunch of Magical Phrases, Magical Questions and communication approaches that'll turn previously frustrating conversations into truly Magical ones.

Are you feeling those Back to School vibes already? 👩‍🎓📚📝✨🏫

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