Raise your vibe based on your heart's desires
Jan 07, 2025Hey, there! AmyK here.
I’m feeling a lil giddy today. [And a lot lighter.]
We’re only a week into the year and I’ve been on a cleaning and organizing frenzy.
Now, I’m not bragging, because I also have to admit [since we ARE being completely honest], that this cleaning could and should have taken place LAST January. But we digress.
It is done.
As in, the garage is gloriously grimeless, my make-up products are meticulously partitioned in bathroom drawers, the plastic lids in the kitchen match every Tupperware container [can I get a Hallelujah?!], and every last spec of the holidays are gone.
As much as I love setting up and gearing up for the holiday season, I also love putting it all away and creating a space that breathes again and smells a lil bit of Windex.
Who is coming to stay and experience this wondrous well-orderly-ness?!
No one. I did it for me.
I did it for my own sense of satisfaction and high-vibe frequency.
And really – when it comes to your vibe – you’re the most important person who matters.
As your new year begins, I invite you to create a space that allows you to feel invigorated too.
In whatever way that shows up in your heart.
Because my clean-fest was NOT about Ego. It was not about seeking approval, or proving my worth, or because societal expectations say “lipsticks sorted by color and texture” makes for a good human.
Nope. I did it because being able to quickly locate the correct lightbulb [or lip shade] when I want it raises my vibe. Efficiency and cleanliness warm the cockles of my heart.
As in … organization creates breathing room for me which lifts my Spirit.
What creates breathing room for you and lifts your Spirit?
Go on, really think about this. What lifts your Spirit for your own Spirit’s sake?
Think of January as the perfect opportunity to raise your vibe based on your heart’s desires and not your Ego’s. It’s an intentional act that shifts your focus and creates a very different tone and tenor to your days.
Two quick ways to consider creating breathing room and space in your life as you shift from Ego-led to Heart-lit living:
1. Simplify Your Priorities
- Your Ego often thrives on busyness, keeping you trapped in cycles of proving your worth or meeting external expectations.
- Create space by asking yourself: “What truly aligns with my heart right now?”
- Focus on 1–3 meaningful priorities that bring you joy or fulfillment this month, and release tasks or commitments rooted in fear, comparison, or obligation.
2. Quiet Your Inner Dialogue
- Your Ego tends to crowd your mind with judgment, doubt, and overthinking, leaving little room for peace. Create breathing room by practicing mindfulness and heart-centered self-reflection.
- Ask yourself: “Is this thought [or goal] generated from love or fear?”
- Thank your fear-based thoughts for keeping you safe and then replace them with loving affirmations such as:
​“I create breathing space for ease and grace in my life.”
By paring down what you do and softening how you think, you’ll open up the spaciousness needed for a life led by your heart.
By leading with your Heart, you strip away the unnecessary complexities that your Ego creates—leaving you with a life that's simpler, richer, and deeply aligned with your true self.
This year I invite you to get in the practice of making space to breathe, and as you do, you’ll begin to see how much lighter and brighter your vibe becomes.
And if you'd like some guidance on just how to do this, come join me for IGNITE Your Brilliance 2025 on Jan 15th for free.​
Why does your vibe matter so much to me?
Because I truly, deeply care about you and your brilliance. And the world needs your bright light right now.
*photo credit: Debra Kaplan