The BODY keeps score.
Oct 24, 2023
Hey there, SGI Goddesses!
To all of you incredible women who work in male dominated industries [or frequently sit in a conference room with a lot of men] … today’s message is for you.
First and foremost, I love men.
So if you’re looking for a male bashing blog - this ain’t it. I was raised by a brilliant, loving father. I have two incredibly supportive, loving brothers, and all three have been terrific role-models.
But - I didn’t realize just how very blessed I truly was until I entered my corporate career. I quickly discovered I was good at the “corporate thing.”
But I also realized something else ...
I. Was. Miserable.
So I quit. But … I hadn’t quite learned the lessons I needed to learn.
And I learned the hard way that "the body keeps score."
In this video I share a story I’ve never publicly talked about until now. Can you relate?
Embracing YOUR Divine Feminine power isn't about dismissing masculinity. It's about recognizing that your success [however YOU define it] thrives in authenticity.
As in, honoring WHO YOU ARE.
Unfortunately, too many of us are asked to play full-out in a game created by somebody else’s rules, and often these rules cause us to twist and morph and conform – all of which truncates our success.
When you begin to peel back layers of societal conditioning and connect with your true essence, meaning you acknowledge your intuition, empathy, brilliance and creativity as invaluable assets in the professional arena, you start to become wildly confident and secure in your own skin.
Your authenticity is magnetic.
When you show up as your true self, you radiate an energy that draws opportunities and connections to you. Your success isn't about conforming; it's about revolutionizing the narrative.
I get it. I really do.
Embracing your Divine Feminine power might ruffle some feathers … trust me, when I did, I heard a lot of squawkin’, but it's a necessary step towards breaking free from outdated structures.
And it’s a necessary step in the direction of claiming your beautiful, fully-lived life.
I get it. I really do.
If you’re ready to learn how to embrace & embody your Divine Feminine power and advance your career, relationships & life the way you want to define them -- with your heart, mind, body and Soul in alignment -- I invite you to join us for our ​Iconic Inner Circle​ for Women Sales Leaders.
It’s going to be EPIC. AND … there are only 5 seats left.
To learn more and claim your seat, check it out here: ​
It’s time to live your life even more authentically radiant.