🌟MASTER Your Energy🌟

 Discover the most important magical conversations to Ignite Your Brilliance

September 24th, 2024

9am - 10:30am PST

90min Masterclass Intensive LIVE with AmyK

$147 USD

Yes, I'm in! Book Now

**Please note, if you participated in the IGNITE 2024 LIVE event, this Masterclass Intensive includes the same brilliant concepts. And yasss, the brain craves repetition, so you may want to experience these gems again, AND ... wanted you to know. Hugs!**

Join thousands of women who have transformed their lives with these

Powerful Energetic Practices! 🔥

Feeling like you’re at the edge of burnout all the time just isn’t necessary —

It's time for a NEW way to PLAY. 😉



A magical 2 hours to get the foundational concepts & tools to


so you can ignite your brilliance, define success on your terms ... and all in a way that FEELS good!    

✨ ✨ ✨

Instead of feeling stressed or anxious when thinking about your goals and all that you want to accomplish [and haven't accomplished], you will:

🌟 Rediscover how Energy is behind EVERYTHING

and how you can re-channel your LifeForce Energy to truly fuel your goals & dreams

🌟 Uncover your personal Energy Vampires

and get crystal clear clarity about who & what they are & how to let them go!

🌟 Feel so grounded in YOU again —

that you’re feelin' SOLID no matter what life throws your way,

🙅‍♀️ AND you'll finally learn how to UNPLUG from this 1 energy drain

once and for all ~

~  so that you can not only FEEL lighter,

clearer and "in your element" ...

... but also start creating a STELLAR light-fueled Energetic Essence!

💫 🙌💫

Not sure what that even means?! Lol!

Join us and find out just how much your Energetic Essence has to do with, well, everything. 



🔎 Peel back the layers on energy

to find out where you’re accepting, expecting, and allowing Energy Vampires—and learn how to stop the drain. 


✨ Ask: "What energy do I want to live in?"

(And what does this question even mean?) … Find out so you can connect to your higher Self and create a brilliant, light-fueled life.


🙋‍♀️ Commit to playing from a place of healthy, LOVING energy—

especially when the world is egging you on to be negative. You’ll learn the BEST FOUR WORDS for setting your intention on how you wish to "play" in EVERY CONVERSATION YOU LEAD.


💞 Create harmony between your inner & outer life—

name what you truly want & then align your internal frequency with your outer reality. 

The world needs YOUR radiance and brilliant contribution.

It really does.

So if you’re looking for a way to play differently—if you need some fresh, new & proven tools to master your mindset & energy and play the game on YOUR terms - this is it.

Snag your *spot* in this LIVE Masterclass Intensive

with AmyK now!

💫 YES, I want to MASTER my ENERGY!

**Please note, if you participated in the IGNITE 2024 LIVE event, this Masterclass Intensive includes the same brilliant concepts. And yasss, the brain craves repetition, so you may want to experience these gems again, AND ... wanted you to know. Hugs!**

💫 Here’s what it feels like to get energetically lit up with AmyK:

"What a great event with AmyK!"

"Each session was powerfully valid to me on a personal and professional level, and so meaningful for me. Thank you, I love your realism, relevant information and fresh approach. I was so energized!"


"AmyK knows what to say!"

"Man, she coached me instantly on my specific issue and it was so helpful. Her classes are 99% value packed with a brief mention of services at end. Very classy lady."


😔 Even when we’re NOT feeling radiantly brilliant— 

we’ve still gotta show up & do our best. 

People need you. 

Heck, you need you. 

The thing is, being drained gets OLD after a while. 

Feeling depleted, worn out, frustrated by small triggers, and like your self-doubt is starting to build up in places it doesn’t belong takes a toll on a person—and that’s understandable! 


Setting aside time to reflect and unpack those feelings will help you rediscover the things that make you feel like your best Self.  

And wouldn’t it be great to have some tools to prevent you from reaching this point in the first place?  

After all—if you can’t have these needed conversations with yourself, how will you have constructive conversations with others? 


Being the kind of professional, high-achieving, high-vibes leader that I know you are isn’t always easy.  

And the pace you’re operating at is likely to catch up with you if you don’t set time aside for YOU. 

😩 You'll notice your radiant brilliance has faded when your head is swirling with thoughts like...

  • "UGH—I can’t juggle it all! Meanwhile So-and-So is showing off their superstar status while I feel like a total dud."
  • "I am sick-and-tired of being the only one going the extra mile around here, they’re so ungrateful … how ‘bout a little affirmation & appreciation?!"   
  • "What a circus!  I can’t believe I'm stuck cleaning up this mess again." 
  • "I just need to go to sleep … for about 3 days. Or until Spring." 

Yeah … it’s time to GET IGNITED and ensure I get off the "hamster wheel of success" set by somebody else. 

✨ Your inner light deserves to shine SO bright [and steady].

Yet if your natural positivity + drive seems a lot HARDER to come by lately, KNOW THIS  — 

 you CAN get back control of the switch and learn how to consistently be the most brilliant version of yourself. 

💖 You are worthy of time to reflect, relax, and restore your innermost sense of Self. 

PLUS ... all the peeps around you will benefit from a shift of your focus from them to YOU as well!

“But AmyK, how will I ever find time for that?”



💫 I can help you IGNITE your radiant brilliance in just 90min. 💫



Part I ~


🌟 We’ll learn 11 fundamental TRUTHS about energy and explore why & how your energy gets blocked. 

🌟 We'll uncover the "energy vampires" [those places / people / projects that suck the marrow from your bones] that need addressing—giving grace to yourself in the process. 

🌟 We’ll also learn the fundamental questions that help you change your energy FAST.

Part II ~


🌟 NEXT, we'll dive into the 2 highest-vibes states you can tune into for REAL, TANGIBLE ENERGY BOOSTS [toxic positivity NOT gonna happen - just GENUINE, feel-good vibes.] 

🌟 And, we’ll address the 2 ENERGY STATES it's time for you to DROP —

🌟 Then we'll assess your current personal frequencies, your Energetic Essence, and you'll learn the specific, practical steps for choosing a higher-vibe.

Part III ~


🌟 Finally, we’ll learn to embody, expand, and exercise the full range of LOVING ENERGY in our lives so you can show up as your Best Self with friends, family and your partner. And yes, tough love is STILL love.

BTW – my Clients LOVE the 4 WORD MANTRA that changes EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION. It's definitely one of my favorite mantras and soon to be yours, too!

Included in Your Purchase, you'll get:


🌟 A 90-min LIVE Masterclass Intensive with AmyK to Master Your Energy:

  • Part I ~ The 11 Truths of Energy
  • Part II ~ The 2 Highest Vibe Energies
  • Part III ~ How to Lead with Loving Energy
  •  Q&A ~ You'll have the opportunity to ask about your specific questions and conundrums in the Q&A portion (or you can submit your questions prior to the Masterclass)!

🌟 Access to the Masterclass Recording All Year Long*:

  • Hearing sage advice or a motivational mantra more than once is a huge boost to integrating it at a neurological & cellular level. It boosts your ability to embody and fully integrate these tools. *Recordings and Materials will be available in your SGI Online Portal until Dec. 31st, 2024.

+ PLUS ...

🌟 The MASTER Your ENERGY PLAYBOOK ~ Magical Conversations to Ignite Your Brilliance:

  • The playbook is a fantabulous resource to deepen the work and embody the concepts we'll learn in class. You'll get a powerful set of follow up questions and frameworks that will sustain your growth as you continue your energetic practice!
🙌 Yes! Book My Spot Now for "Master Your Energy"


✅ You find yourself comparing yourself, your life, and your career to other people—

and it’s not exactly bolstering your confidence. And you know you want to/got to feel great about you and your life as you create success on your terms!  

✅ You want to make a positive impact in your career & relationships & actually enjoy the ride,

but right now, you’re finding it a bit hard to show up as your best Self -- or -- you’re worried you might not be as energetic as you want in the not so distant future. 

✅ You’re feeling a skosh overwhelmed and exhausted by all the things and people who need your attention—

and you feel like you might snap if one more thing gets added to your list.  

✅ You know you need something to help you jolt your juices and get you fired up & back in the game—

but you’re not entirely sure what that might be or how that might work. 

If you said "yes" to one or more of the above...

you're going to LOVE what's on the other side of this 90-min Masterclass Intensive.

(✨Hint: You'll feel clearer, lighter, and ready to start embodying a whole new energy!✨)

Join us September 24th, 2024 

9am-10:30am PST

YES, book my spot now! 🙌

About AmyK

AmyK Hutchens is a catalyst for maximizing your brilliance. She’s an international award-winning speaker with over 2700+ presentations, Amazon #1 bestselling author of two books, and has over twenty-three years’ experience training, coaching and consulting with clients such as Whole Foods, The Home Depot, Starbucks Canada, UBS and hundreds more.  AmyK founded the global Self-leadership platform www.shegetsit.com, received her M.S. from Johns Hopkins University, and has been a featured guest on numerous TV, radio & print networks including Bloomberg, Entrepreneur, USA Today, US News & World Report, NBC & ABC.  She resides in San Diego, California with her favorite human, Scott, and their bulldog Moose.  




If these organizations trust me to help their leaders... 

you  can too.

plus hundreds more.



So ... are you ready to start mastering your ENERGY & create a Light-Fueled Life?

 🌟👇 🌟

Join us for this brilliant Masterclass Intensive 

for only $147!

See you LIVE on September 24th! 

Sign Up Now 🎉

**Please note, if you participated in the IGNITE 2024 LIVE event, this Masterclass Intensive includes the same brilliant concepts. And yasss, the brain craves repetition, so you may want to experience these gems again, AND ... wanted you to know. Hugs!**