Learn the Language

of Self-Leadership

🌟 🌟 🌟

The weekly triple-shot of AmyK mojo you need

to regroup, recenter, and reset

for a fulfilling, joy-fueled life.

Next Mastermind Foundations starts: Sept 19th, 2023


✓ FOCUS on your priorities,

✓ FUEL your energy,

✓ & ALIGN your actions

for your ideal life and career.

🌟 Register your interest for the Next Round of SGI Mastermind Foundations! 👇

What if you could increase your confidence and gain clarity

to finally get what you want out of your life, career, & relationships?

(We’re talking what you *really* want—results, change … maybe even a pony if that’s your vibe.)


Two women at work with a laptop


58% of job performance is based on Emotional Intelligence and 100% of us could stand to strengthen this skill.

Self-leadership is some of the hardest work we do on a daily basis —

so is mastering effective communication with yourself & others. 

You and I?

That’s right: we’re "works in progress."  

There’s always room for introspection and improvement.


So imagine...


AmyK smiling

Hear me loud and clear:

When you learn to -

  • connect honestly & authentically,
  • lead in every direction (including internally),
  • and start to meet people where they’re at (even when you have far better places to be *wink*) -

you simply can’t be held back from being brilliant in business & happy in life! 


Maybe this sounds familiar...


🤭 Biting your tongue instead of speaking your mind—

or apologizing for your  opinion when you do voice it—is denying the unique power of your voice.


😤 Powering through difficult situations by “brushing it off”—

when in reality, it's okay to say no. It's okay to put yourself first. It's okay to ask for what you deserve and expect to get it. It's okay to command respect. It's okay to not be okay.


🤷‍♀️ Putting all of your time and energy into your people & your responsibilities, leaving nothing for yourself—

no margin for introspection, self-care, and dialogue to better understand your own needs, wishes and goals.


As women—it’s a natural place to end up … and you’re not alone.



👉 Get on the Waitlist for MM Foundations!
AmyK Hutchens in a pink sweater

A loonnnnggg time ago, I was paid a pretty rad compliment:

Man—she just gets it.”


But that didn’t come naturally for me—

as a little girl, I had a tough time figuring out how to be authentically me.

I was, in fact, born with a working voicebox and sense of self… but they didn’t come with instruction manuals…

  ... maybe you know the feeling, too?

Nod with me if this is you:

You’re craving the power of being smarter & more strategic in your decision-making and ready to quit accepting so much nonsense.

You’re ready to learn to communicate confidently & effectively and draw healthy boundaries both at work and at home.

You know that if you refined your ability to stay centered no matter the circumstances, you could face everything life brings your way—and have FUN while you’re at it.

 Living into the fullness of who you are,

and becoming brilliant in business & happy in life

means embracing the things that make you YOU.

Creating the life you really want always starts with YOU— 

…and it's all about leading yourself.


Any time you’re tempted to conform to your environment or circumstances, you’re giving a little bit of your (dare I say super) power away.

Denying yourself and who you were created to be means denying the world of the benefits your unique inner genius can offer!


👉 Maybe you’re tempted to keep the peace or go with the flow—embracing those elusive Chill-Girl Vibes—but your attention to detail gives you an eagle eye for important things others may skim over.


👉 Maybe you’re convinced you’re hyper-sensitive and skipping opportunities to speak up for yourself, but your candor & vulnerability could pave the way for others who are having similar experiences. 


👉 Maybe your relationships are feeling stagnant because you've maintained the status quo, but your challenger traits could push you and those around you to create thriving, fulfilling partnerships.


just imagine how ignited and energized you'll feel as you express your true genius!

Did you know?


While 40% of corporate managers are women, the numbers steadily decline as you move up the ranks.

Women make up 36% of senior managers or directors, 31% of VPs, 27% of SVPs—

and just 24% of C-suite executives.
two women in the workplace having a conversation

In most professional situations, women are simply outnumbered by men, which means there’s a natural bend toward more traditionally masculine behaviors.




Communicating directly, clearly & unapologetically isn’t actually a gendered behavior?


Women can command respect & anticipate receiving exactly what they want when negotiating effectively

- AND -

Giving honest feedback isn’t about being hyper-critical or picky—but about achieving the best possible outcome for your career, family, or relationships?

In a time when gender equity is a hot-button issue—

What if we looked at gender dynamics as an opportunity for BALANCE, where everyone has permission to be their most effective selves by honestly & authentically presenting their unique perspectives?

photo of Jaqueline

“All of the mentors I've ever had have been menand none of 'em ever really got me.”

They've all had great advice, but I was kind of over having a male mentor. Learning from AmyK has been such a gift for me as a female executive. She reminds me: ‘Don't try to be them, just be the best version of you.’”




AmyK Hutchens speaking on stage


Learn the Language

of Self-Leadership

🌟 🌟 🌟

The weekly triple-shot of AmyK mojo you need to regroup, recenter, and reset for a fulfilling, joy-fueled life.


SEPT 19TH - OCT 27TH, 2023 


to IGNITE Your Next-Level Best Self!


The SGI Mastermind is everything you’ve been searching for in a completely transformational experience. 


It's time to:


Mastermind Overview:


Your Essential Self.

We’ll hit the ground running by starting on one of my favorite subjects—your happiness.

Together we’ll examine how to define and create happiness on your own terms in both your personal and professional life and how you can go about finding more of this happiness.

You’ll learn:

  1. How to take action and make decisions in a way that matches your definition of happiness.
  2. The steps to find alignment with your “Essential Self” and quit people pleasing and conforming to your environment and others’ expectations.
  3. Ways to strengthen your sense of self with a better understanding of who & what shaped you to become who you are today.
Woman feeling happy on her laptop


Who am I—essentially—and why does it matter?

AmyK wearing a beige sweater


Energy & Energetics.

Next, we’ll move on to your recipe for your optimal performance state and determine how to get there effortlessly.

You’ll learn:

  1. How to manage, elevate, and shift your energetic state
  2. To develop the fundamental understanding that energy, not time, is the currency of high performers
  3. Ways to shift your language to influence your energy both internally & externally


What am I truly manifesting, consciously and unconsciously?


Connection, Story & Power.

As we approach the mid-way point of the program, we’ll look at how you’re shaping your own narrative and the narratives around you—as the powerful storyteller you are.

Together, we’ll work to reprogram backward-focused, negative, limiting narratives and shift your mindset.

You’ll learn:

  1. Several secret battles almost all leaders share, including imposter syndrome, comparison condition, and the “Need to Leave Your Hood” issue.
  2. To manage your imperative need to feel seen, heard, and understood
  3. How hooking an ego in a conversation creates a triggered response—and what to do to navigate the situation.
beautiful journal, flowers and glass of white wine


To whom do I give my power away and, better yet, how do I take it back?

two women communicating effectively


Communicating to Connect.

Healthier relationships are built on a solid foundation of communication. This week, we’ll learn to create connections that make communicating effectively more effortless.

You’ll learn:

  1. 20+ fan-favorite Magical Phrases (and how to use them!) to navigate tough conversations in your professional and personal life.
  2. What it means to be an Empathic Listener
  3. And the 3 steps to have more empathetic conversations.


How might I be in the practice of empathic communication so the other person feels more seen, heard and understood?


Re-center & Re-set.

It’s time to learn to lead yourself and meet your own needs so you can heal your wounds & manage your triggers.

This means shifting from ME (mind & ego) to become a better witness & watcher, reducing your stress & anxiety and increasing your confidence & connectivity.

You’ll learn:

  1. How to get back to a neutral state through meditation & mantra work that calms, reminds, and encourages you so you can move forward
  2. Tools to acknowledge and address your shadow side and inner wounds, the repressed, disowned parts of your self that get triggered in difficult situations
  3. How to lead yourself and meet your own needs so you can heal your wounds & manage your triggers
AmyK eating a muffin


How might I best integrate and honor my Shadow for greater Self-awareness & resiliency?

Woman feeling brilliant with rainbow confetti


Aligning Brilliance.

As we conclude our time together, we’ll make sure you’re equipped to align your brilliance at home, at work, and in your relationships. Learn to create a vision and mission that rallies your people together as you meet & exceed your shared & individual goals.

You’ll learn how to:

  1. Elevate performance & productivity by leading teams to be more bought in and engaged
  2. Lead yourself and meet your own needs so you can heal your wounds & manage your triggers
  3. Navigate poor communication, like gossip, unresolved conflict, lack of shared purpose and sanctioned incompetence, all of which undermine unity of command


How might I step toward my best Self and expand my capacity & potential?


The SGI Mastermind is everything you’ve been searching for in a completely transformational experience. 


It's time to:


Mastermind Overview:


Your Essential Self.

We’ll hit the ground running by starting on one of my favorite subjects—your happiness.

Together we’ll examine how to define and create happiness on your own terms in both your personal and professional life and how you can go about finding more of this happiness.

You’ll learn:

  1. How to take action and make decisions in a way that matches your definition of happiness.
  2. The steps to find alignment with your “Essential Self” and quit people pleasing and conforming to your environment and others’ expectations.
  3. Ways to strengthen your sense of self with a better understanding of who & what shaped you to become who you are today.


Who am I—essentially—and why does it matter?


Energy & Energetics.

Next, we’ll move on to your recipe for your optimal performance state and determine how to get there effortlessly.

You’ll learn:

  1. How to manage, elevate, and shift your energetic state
  2. To develop the fundamental understanding that energy, not time, is the currency of high performers
  3. Ways to shift your language to influence your energy both internally & externally


What am I truly manifesting, consciously and unconsciously?


Connection, Story & Power.

As we approach the mid-way point of the program, we’ll look at how you’re shaping your own narrative and the narratives around you—as the powerful storyteller you are.

Together, we’ll work to reprogram backward-focused, negative, limiting narratives and shift your mindset.

You’ll learn:

  1. Several secret battles almost all leaders share, including imposter syndrome, comparison condition, and the “Need to Leave Your Hood” issue.
  2. To manage your imperative need to feel seen, heard, and understood
  3. How hooking an ego in a conversation creates a triggered response—and what to do to navigate the situation.


To whom do I give my power away and, better yet, how do I take it back?


Communicating to Connect.

Healthier relationships are built on a solid foundation of communication. This week, we’ll learn to create connections that make communicating effectively more effortless.

You’ll learn:

  1. 20+ fan-favorite Magical Phrases (and how to use them!) to navigate tough conversations in your professional and personal life.
  2. What it means to be an Empathic Listener
  3. And the 3 steps to have more empathetic conversations.


How might I be in the practice of empathic communication so the other person feels more seen, heard and understood?


Re-center & Re-set.

It’s time to learn to lead yourself and meet your own needs so you can heal your wounds & manage your triggers.

This means shifting from ME (mind & ego) to become a better witness & watcher, reducing your stress & anxiety and increasing your confidence & connectivity.

You’ll learn:

  1. How to get back to a neutral state through meditation & mantra work that calms, reminds, and encourages you so you can move forward
  2. Tools to acknowledge and address your shadow side and inner wounds, the repressed, disowned parts of your self that get triggered in difficult situations
  3. How to lead yourself and meet your own needs so you can heal your wounds & manage your triggers


How might I best integrate and honor my Shadow for greater Self-awareness & resiliency?


Aligning Brilliance.

As we conclude our time together, we’ll make sure you’re equipped to align your brilliance at home, at work, and in your relationships. Learn to create a vision and mission that rallies your people together as you meet & exceed your shared & individual goals.

You’ll learn how to:

  1. Elevate performance & productivity by leading teams to be more bought in and engaged
  2. Lead yourself and meet your own needs so you can heal your wounds & manage your triggers
  3. Navigate poor communication, like gossip, unresolved conflict, lack of shared purpose and sanctioned incompetence, all of which undermine unity of command


How might I step toward my best Self and expand my capacity & potential?

Every week, in the Mastermind we will:

01 | Learn Live.

We’ll dive into one 90-minute learning session per week taught LIVE by AmyK—each session will have a corresponding playbook to follow along.

02 | Discuss.

In your breakout sessions, you’ll have an opportunity to share your experiences and hear from your peers on the subject at hand.

03 | Apply.

This is where the rubber meets the road—it’s all philosophy ‘til you start working it into your daily rhythms.

You got this!


When you join the She Gets It Mastermind …

you’re investing in yourself.

(And you get some pretty sweet stuff as part of the deal.)

There are 2 tiers of Membership, with VIP Access to Special Bonuses.

For LESS than the cost of most continuing education & leadership development courses— which aren’t developed specifically (and enthusiastically) for women—


Value chart with what's included in the Mastermind Foundations



Zoom call on a computer for VIP Members

 6 advanced Self-Leadership Energy Exercises

to shift your mindset and fast track you FORWARD.

6 Extra 1-hour LIVE online group coaching sessions

with AmyK and your VIPers to get supplemental, personalized small-group feedback to apply in your life and career.

[Included in VIP Membership ONLY]

 LIVE BONUS CLASS with AmyK: The Energetics Behind Your Performance, Productivity & Next Promotion -

lessons in modern-day career advancement skills in an era of tiring tasks, blurred boundaries, and a lot of noise.  [Not to mention Imposter Syndrome & gender inequality.] 

 LIVE BONUS CLASS with AmyK: Integrating Your Shadow for Grounded Peace —

a lesson in embracing your “dark side” without turning into Darth Vader.

✓ LIVE BONUS CLASS with AmyK: Communicating to Connect - Healthy & Healing Relationship Dynamics -

an experiment in self-evaluation & triggers to better navigate your day-to-day interactions with those you love dearly but occasionally don’t like. ;-)

 ONE FREE TICKET to the 90-minute LIVE Online SGI –Your Genius, Passion & Power Pathway Summit

A deep-dive discovery designed to help you unlock your unique combination of genius, passion & power which sets you on your golden path of potential

[Included in VIP Membership ONLY]

Value chart with what's included in the VIP Membership

Ready to Learn the Language of Self-Leadership

ELEVATE to your next-level Best Self?

👉 YES! Join the Waitlist for MM Foundations!

If these brilliant organizations trust me to help their leaders... you can too.

corporate partner logos - whole foods, wells fargo, at&t, starbucks, etc

Plus hundreds more...

What our SGI Members are saying... 




"From the very first session with AmyK, I've been blown away with our results.

AmyK's coaching helped my team increase sales by 25% during a pandemic! My team ended the year in the top 3 in the company, and I got promoted from Director to Regional Vice President. 

AmyK's simple tweaks, her Magical Phrases, her ability to unlock a mindset block, and all her insights on how I can lead more collaboratively has made an enormous impact. And bonus, we're having more fun!

Thank you, AmyK!"



No matter how many AmyK trainings, webcasts, keynotes, classes [and now her Mastermind] I attend, I always come away with tips & tools I can implement to make me the best wife, mother, nonnie, friend, and most of all, the best ME I can be!

I’m so impressed with how AmyK can take a topic, add her coaching & wisdom, and provide content that I can immediately start to apply in my personal and work relationships. 

The She Gets It platform just up-leveled my experiences with AmyK even more. The Mastermind allowed me to meet different women of different backgrounds, beliefs from around the globe, and understand at the end of the day we are all women that have the same struggles being “women.”

Thank you, AmyK! You warm my heart."



“AmyK is the mentor and coach I had been hoping for my entire career.  She never misses an opportunity to “dig-in” and get to the root of things.

As a woman in leadership, navigating her way through the corporate world, having AmyK’s mentorship has opened my mind to new ways of thinking and allowed me to dream bigger and strive for better.

She is a living unicorn in the business & coaching world.”


I'm AmyK!

🌟 If you’re curious why 200+ and counting companies have invited me on their keynote stage…

🏆 I’m an award-winning international speaker and Amazon #1 bestselling author of two books, The Secrets Leaders Keep and Get It: Five Steps to the Sex, Salary, and Success You Want.

My clients include:

Whole Foods, Expedia, Lockheed Martin, The Home Depot, Starbucks Canada, Comerica Bank, and hundreds more.

I received my M.S. from Johns Hopkins University and have been a featured guest on numerous TV and radio networks including Bloomberg, NBC, and ABC.

When I’m not helping women improve their confidence, honor their worth, and become the best version of themselves in both their professional & personal lives, you can find me at home in San Diego, with my favorite human Scott and our bulldog, Moose, usually spending the weekend hiking, spotting dolphins, or in search of a tasty taco.

Join me & an incredible group of women and learn to powerfully LEAD YOURSELF and others.

Women [that means you & I] can succeed in business with confidence, clarity, and strong communication skills, without abandoning their femininity.

To be your best in business and in life, you must take care of yourself and show up authentically—

the She Gets It MASTERMIND FOUNDATIONS teaches you how to do both. 


🌟 Understand the #1 Currency of High-Performers

(it’s a whole energy shift!) and how to increase it for your and your team’s professional and personal gain


🌟 Discover where (and to whom) you’re giving your power away,

and how to take it back so you can make clear, confident decisions


🌟 Learn to harness the collective intelligence of your team

and align their brilliance so you can meet & exceed your sales goals

🌟 Examine the art & science of Empathic Intelligence

so that you can build a healthy culture through sensitive, perceptive, and appropriate communication


🌟 Align with Your Essential Self

and discover how this impacts your well-being, leadership style, and performance levels


🌟 Master the Magical Phrases & Communication Techniques

that enhance your EQ and help you successfully navigate your toughest conversations

- PLUS -

🌟 Gain the #1 Self-leadership tool for shifting limiting beliefs

so you can better manage your mindset


🌟 Develop a consistent pattern of leading yourself well,

so you can lead others well, both in practice and by example

AND Craft a Self-leadership development plan that produces meaningful, profitable results... 


then the SGI  MASTERMIND is for YOU.

👉 YES, Sign Me Up for MM Foundations 2023!

We get it … So we offer a 100% refund guarantee.

Your investment in the She Gets It Mastermind is 100% refundable through the first week of the program. Attend the first live training session, take a spin through your playbook, and try what you learn on for size—if it’s not for you, we’ll give your money back.


[all the juicy goodness]

*All times are Pacific Time zone



  Six 90-Minute LIVE, Online Classes

  • 1x a week for 6 weeks
  • Tuesdays from Sept 19 - Oct 24, 2023
  • 8:00am-9:30am Pacific Timezone
  • LIVE, taught by AmyK
  • Recorded
  • Zoom platform

  Six Corresponding Class Playbooks

  • You'll get a Playbook for each class filled with proven tools & exercises to support your Self-leadership journey.
  • AmyK has coached hundreds of leaders and trained hundreds of thousands of leaders over the last 22+ years, and she's bringing the best-of-her-best tools to elevate YOUR path.

  Private Kajabi Community Access

  • Expand your connectivity & support, and network with other amazing women. This is a sacred place to continue the conversations!

  Email Access to AmyK

  Six Captivatingly Radiant Conversations [CRC] Videos to Elevate YOUR Energy & Radiance

  • Get a boost of AmyK's Divine Energy & provocative thinking each week. AmyK's sharing an uplifting, thoughtful concept along with a provocative set of questions to elevate your energy & state of play.
  • These videos are absolute gems in helping you embody an energy shift so you can move forward with greater confidence & resiliency. Genuine mood shift?  Darn skippy!

To lead others well ...

you must first lead yourself well.


Everything in the PRIMARY Experience PLUS ...

🌟 6 x 60-Minute LIVE, Online VIP Group Coaching Sessions - Ask AmyK Anything

Real world questions answered in real time! Everyone loves these sessions because it's like sitting down with your favorite beverage and your bestie [or your Cool Aunt] and gettin' the most support & best advice EVER!

  • Stuck? Got a tough conversation on the horizon? Navigating office politics? Need to turn around a low-performer? Ready for a raise? Feeling depleted or burned-out? Looking for feedback?  
  • This sacred space is your portal to coaching, consulting and mentorship. Click on the Zoom link we send you each week and join the discussion. It’ll be juicy!
  • 1x a week for 6 weeks
  • Fridays from Sept 22 - Oct 27, 2023
  • 8:00am-9:00am Pacific Timezone
  • LIVE with AmyK on Zoom, Recorded

🌟 6 Advanced Self-leadership Energy Exercises to Fast Track You Forward

  • AmyK's not messing around. She may be irreverent --BUT -- she's totally serious about getting you results.
  • These exercises are beautifully designed & wisely constructed to fast track your Self-leadership mastery.

+ PLUS ...

... these BONUS VIP Sessions:

The Energetics Behind Your Performance, Productivity & Next Promotion 

 🌟 1 x 60-Minute LIVE CLASS with AmyK:

Lessons in modern-day career advancement skills in an era of tiring tasks, blurred boundaries, and a lot of noise. 

[Not to mention Imposter Syndrome & gender inequality.]

two confident business women

Integrating Your Shadow for Grounded Peace

 🌟 1 x 60-Minute LIVE CLASS with AmyK:

Discovering, managing and integrating your Shadow is a critical step in Self-awareness and emotional mastery. This 60-minute class is an extended, deeper dive into the explorations of your Shadow.

Shadow integration leads to greater authenticity, self-acceptance & consciousness, as well as boosting your creativity & energy and fostering healthier relationship dynamics. This class is chock-full of AH-HAs and insights!

a couple communicating and connecting, making a heart shape with their hands

Communicating to Connect - Healthy & Healing Relationship Dynamics 

🌟 1 x 60-Minute LIVE CLASS with AmyK:

An experiment in self-evaluation & triggers to better navigate your day-to-day interactions with those you love dearly but occasionally don’t like. ;-)

PLUS... ONE FREE TICKET to the 90-minute LIVE Online SGI Summit:

 🌟 Your Genius, Passion & Power Pathway

A deep-dive discovery designed to help you unlock your unique combination of genius, passion & power which sets you on your golden path of potential


I'm IN! Sign Me Up for MM Foundations - Sept 2023!

Want to Convince Your Boss this is what you need?

It may be an EASY choice for you to join the Mastermind, but convincing your leadership might be a slightly different story.

We got you!

Here's a letter written by AmyK that you can submit to your Leadership to let them know that this course will powerfully IGNITE you AND the company you work for!  It's a win-win!  Simply tweak the letter to fit your current challenges and needs and send it to your Supervisor for their stamp of approval.

Ta-da! Easy peasy.

👉 Grab the Letter HERE!

We get these questions all the time.



photo of Danielle Moga

 “AmyK’s Magical Phrases and rich insights have been a game-changer for me.

The She Gets It Mastermind is a brilliant connection to other women around the globe who are ready to engage in deep, thought-provoking discussions in a safe and welcoming environment.

In a world that’s fast-paced and ever-changing, it’s a beautiful gift to be able to pause, reflect, learn, and share with other brilliant women looking to elevate their leadership and way of being.”

Danielle W. Moga | Founder and CEO of The Ideal Advantage®
photo of Erin Lineberry

“I’m a huge fan of AmyK - a groupie!   

The tools I learned in her classes made my difficult conversations incredibly manageable and sometimes downright easy. 

AmyK helped me to feel more confident and she’s given me practical tools and methods so I’m ready for anything thrown my way!” 

Erin Lineberry | Solution Director,  The Hackett  Group


Are you ready to quit wasting your precious time and energy on things that aren’t helping you create the life & career you really want?


What if your communication & self-leadership skills equipped you to eliminate much of the BS you deal with (both in reality & in your head) on a daily basis?

What if, by refining and expanding your interpersonal and introspective toolkit, you empowered yourself to confidently respond to any scenario—personal or professional—you might find yourself in?

Simply put, the skills and situations we address within the She Gets It Mastermind are essential to your success & happiness in life …

so, you either learn them here, from a woman who’s been right where you are before, surrounded by a community of your peers, in a safe place to learn, share, grow, & mature …

… or you keep trying to figure them out on your own. 

But—odds are—if you’re allllllllll the way down here & still reading, (You’re the type who’s always the last one to leave the party, huh?!) you know what you need.

I’d be redunkulously thrilled to welcome you inside the She Gets It community,

and—pinch me—get to be a witness to all that is ahead for you in your life & career.


So, straight from me to you -

join us, won't you? 

Value chart with what's included in the Mastermind Foundations


SEPT 19, 2023

 Get on the Waitlist Now! 👇

Yes! I'm joining the She Gets It Mastermind to advance my confidencecareer & life.


She Gets It logo

"Life happens one conversation at a time."

- AmyK