Turn UP Your Communication Confidence & Influence



LIVE, 90min Online Training

September 25th, 2024

9am-10:30am Pacific Time Zone | 12 Noon Eastern


🌟 Join this Course Now

Do you ever wish you had just the magic words to say to …

That one person at work who drives you nuts with their provoking and tone-deaf comments?

Or …

Do you wish you had just the right words to say ...

in that stalemate of disagreement with a co-worker, where you just want to be able to move forward, while still holding your own?

Or …

Do you wish you had just the right words to say ...

so you could feel more confident in really difficult conversations, even when your emotions are triggered?

✨ ✨ ✨

Well, look no further —


is here !!

✨ ✨ ✨

In this brilliant, actionable-tool-packed Masterclass Intensive, you’re going to get the perfect words for ALL of the above scenarios and MORE!!


Get proven tools and communication techniques that you can start applying to your toughest conversations from from the get-go, and say goodbye to feeling frustrated, unsure of how to move forward and at a loss for words …

… to feeling empowered, confident & proud

of how you hold your own!


Hey, there! AmyK here.


The #1 Phrase that I live my life by is:

"Life happens one conversation at a time."


Now I invite you to take a *Pause* ~ and feel into this for a moment.

When you think about it, isn't it true that life's most pivotal moments transpire within conversations?

And isn't it true that often, the life you desire is on the other side of a tough conversation?


This is exactly why your ability to be confident & self-assured in tough conversations, especially with 'difficult people' --

 is crucial to getting the rewarding relationships, career, and life you yearn for.


The quality of your COMMUNICATION =

the quality of your LIFE.

☝️ I think we can all agree on the above truth —

however, in the workplace, poor communication often goes unresolved for months or even YEARS ...

... leading to a lot of unnecessary stress, tension and anxiety.


Can you relate to the stats below?

👉 Nearly 50% of workers reported a negative impact on job satisfaction because of ineffective communication,

 👉 42% said ineffective communication increased their stress levels,

👉 and 40% said it reduced trust in their leadership and team.  

*Source: Forbes Interview, 2023

So what does this translate to in terms of real life impact?

1️⃣ First of all, the financial costs of poor communication & avoiding tough conversations are HUGE!

The average cost of avoiding a tough conversation is around $7,000 USD - $10,000!

2️⃣ Second, the emotional impact of poor communication, that drains you of your LifeForce energy, is immeasurable. 

And if you've been part of the workforce for long enough, I'm sure you can testify first hand of these emotional costs, and how they severely decrease quality of life. 


And let's be real — a lot of this tension comes up when you're dealing with a difficult person.

Not that you've ever had to deal with someone like that ... 😉 

Maybe you're butting heads with a boss, a colleague, a team member. 

You can't seem to find common ground, you keep getting dragged into their negativity, and they're taking up waaaaay too much headspace —


So how do you move forward?

The GOOD news is, much of the above negative emotional and financial impacts are totally avoidable.


This is where "How to Diffuse a Difficult Person" comes in.


After taking this course, you'll ...


✅ Know the exact words and phrases to say to take the heat 🔥 out of an escalating argument 


✅ Know how to respond to an 😨 insulting comment without losing your cool


✅ Truly be able to understand the other person's motivations 🤔 and get to the root of the issue


✅ Be able to gracefully 🤝 agree to disagree and still work together and move forward


✅ Know how to 🙋 add your voice to the conversation with confidence, especially when you have differing views ...


... and so much more!

After this 90min Masterclass Intensive, you'll walk away with a powerful set of communication tools that will truly set you apart as a Leader in your organization.

Not to mention the positive effects this training will have on how well you communicate in all your personal relationships as well!



1. How to Diffuse a Difficult Person

Difficult people are perhaps a fact of life. 

And since you can’t change other people, the key is changing how you respond to them—the results will surprise you! 

First, we'll get to know the Types of Difficult People, and the ideal ways to approach dealing with each one. (Yes, the various types of difficult people will respond better to specific approaches, and it's key to know the difference.)

I'll teach the ✅ "De-stink" technique, where you'll learn to alchemize a potential conflict into a productive conversation. 

How awesome is that?!

PLUS ...

✅ Nervous-system Calming Techniques, that'll take you from triggered & reactive — to calm as a cucumber and able to respond wisely from your power instead of your pain. 


2: How to Agree to Disagree (and still move forward)

It's tough to collaborate with people who you feel fundamentally disagree with you. 

So how do you move past it with honor and grace?

In this part of the training, we'll unpack ✅ how to handle differing & divisive viewpoints and beliefs that might come up in the workplace.

The outcome is that ✅ you'll feel confident speaking your truth, even when you're going against the grain, you're up against a verbal bully, or when there's excessive heat in the room.

In the real world this can result in mutual understanding and trust -- OR it can simply mean holding your own and knowing your boundaries.


3: How Empathic Listening Can Turn a Tough Moment into a Magical One

Finally, we'll tackle how to respond empathically, so you're the one leading a tough conversation to a profitable outcome for both parties. 

We'll go over how to ✅ PARAPHRASE, without sounding like a silly parrot ✅ VALIDATE, and  ✅ EMPATHIZE to de-escalate conflict.

You'll walk away with specific Magical Phrases that help diffuse the tension, re-align with the other person to make them feel respected and seen (even when you disagree). 

PLUS, we'll learn how to fine tune your tone, word choices and ENERGY with which you approach the conversation, to create true connection, mutual understanding and lead both parties to the best outcome possible.


The communication techniques in this Magical Masterclass will have you leaving future tough conversations with that difficult person in your life unscathed ...

... or even better — with a genuine SMILE on your face! 😊


YES, Let's GO! Sign Up Now >

From the She Gets It Community: 

"I’m so glad I found AmyK!"

"Having someone in my corner to help me be a better coach, drive higher sales results and help my team live their best lives has been priceless!

I appreciate AmyK’s no nonsense approach. Her simple tweaks, her magical phrases, her ability to unlock a mindset block, and all her insights on how I can lead more collaboratively has made an enormous impact. And bonus, we’re having more fun! Thank you, AmyK!”

- MEGAN, Regional VP

"I’m a huge fan of AmyK - a groupie!"

"The tools I learned in her classes made my difficult conversations incredibly manageable and sometimes downright easy.  AmyK helped me to feel more confident and she’s given me practical tools and methods so I’m ready for anything thrown my way!”

- ERIN, Sales Executive

"We loved AmyK! Such an inspiring and practical program."

"AmyK shares exactly how to stand up for yourself in tough situations, create connections, challenge ideas without confrontation and use Magical Phrases to create alignment. We all agree we left more courageous, confident and inspired!”

- LAURI, Senior VP

"AmyK’s presentation marked the largest participation of all our digital programs."  

"AmyK’s tangible techniques and unbelievable energy gave our members a sense of empowerment to use their voice and assert their personal agency.”



I’ve learned about poor communication the hard way.

That’s why I’m teaching this -- I don’t want it to be as hard for you.  I’ve been in those boardrooms where my face turned bright red and I was stumped on what to say. I’m excited that this will be a huge catalyst for helping you become a more confident communicator.

It’s a practice, and I've created this training to be a springboard to change the way you navigate these kinds of tough conversations... till it becomes part of your DNA! (And with enough practice it WILL, guaranteed!)

About AmyK

AmyK Hutchens is a catalyst for maximizing your brilliance. She’s an international award-winning speaker with over 2700+ presentations, Amazon #1 bestselling author of two books, and has over twenty-three years’ experience training, coaching and consulting with clients such as Whole Foods, The Home Depot, Starbucks Canada, UBS and hundreds more.  AmyK founded the global Self-leadership platform www.shegetsit.com, received her M.S. from Johns Hopkins University, and has been a featured guest on numerous TV, radio & print networks including Bloomberg, Entrepreneur, USA Today, US News & World Report, NBC & ABC.  She resides in San Diego, California with her favorite human, Scott, and their bulldog Moose.  




If these organizations trust me to help their leaders... 

you  can too.

plus hundreds more.



So, are you ready to turn UP your influence & communication confidence at work and advance your career ...

one magical conversation at a time?



Then join us for


LIVE, Online Course

September 25th, 2024

9am-10am Pacific Time Zone 



Your LifeFroce Energy is more valuable than anything.


It's what keeps you motivated, loving life and truly engaged in the things that matter the most.

So it's time to UNPLUG from time-wasting conversations that drain your LifeForce energy and keep you running around in circles —

whether it's with your co-workers, boss, clients, employees ... and even at home. 

"How to Diffuse a Difficult Person" will show you the 'HOW'.

This 90-min Intensive training is designed to cut through all the B.S.—

in the fastest, most efficient and graceful way possible.  Take it from my past students, we skip the fluff and cut right to the juicy goodness!

Yes, we'll move FAST -- but you have the entire rest of the year to revisit the material and integrate it until it becomes second nature to you.

The strategies and tools I'm sharing in this training have saved my clients sooooo much time, money and ENERGY!   They've avoided countless frustrating conversations and all the mental drama that goes along with it.

Now how magical is THAT?


So I invite you to take this opportunity to reclaim your power

and start using it to Lead profitable conversations that get you the career, relationships and life you desire.

Stop letting difficult people take your precious energy, undermine you, distract you from your goals and ruin your day.

Come join us & get the step-by-step blueprint to make that happen.

What do you say -- are you ready?



"AmyK’s ability to quickly get straight to the root cause of an issue means you fix it fast."

"I love her approach and ability to always give me the right words or framework to lead a tough conversation. Each time I have a coaching session, I feel a renewed sense of 'I’ve got this!'"